Sunday, November 14, 2010

Graphic Organizers

These pie charts that I created would be perfect to use for 2nd graders while introducing and teaching about fractions.  I could pass these out and have students decorate them (like pizzas or pies) and then continue to teach how fractions are a part of a whole.  I could introduce thirds and fourths in this way, and then add more fractions as well.  

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This is a very cute game that is a good practice for math review.  Students could use some of their computer time while they play a fun game that is also educational.  


This could be very useful to use within a classroom if you were teaching the basics of colors within an art class.  Students can experiment with the different colors that are used to create other colors.  It is a very cool interactive source.


As a teacher, I could use this timeline chart to give to my students at the beginning of the week.  This way, the students can have a written schedule of the coming week and so they will be able to expect everything that they are working towards.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Rubrics are very beneficial to use within the classroom.  By using rubrics, it is much easier to accurately grade assignments.  Rubrics also use a point value, being descriptive in every point.  As a teacher, I plan on using rubrics so I can better and more fairly grade different assignments and so that they are fairly graded.
This is an example of a rubric that I created to grade an essay reading quiz.